CPSIA Compliance Product Testing Korea

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Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008

Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008 (CPSIA) is one of the most comprehensive transformations of consumer-product safety regulations since the 1970s. CPSIA expands the role of the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) in ensuring the safety of consumer products, especially those designed for children.

Manufacturers, importers and retailers of most consumer products will have to come comply with many provisions of CPSIA, including:

  • Rigorous lead restrictions for children's products
  • A ban on phthalates (chemicals used to soften plastic) in children's toys
  • Mandatory infant products registration
  • Conversion of a voluntary toy safety standard to a mandatory standard
  • Mandatory third-party testing and certification of toys and children's products beginning with the new lower limits on lead in paint content.
Product Safety Rule Publication of TP Accreditation Procedure Mandatory TP Testing
Lead Paint: 16CFR 1303 September 2008 December 21, 2008
Cribs and Pacifiers: 16CFR 1508, 1509, 1511 October 2008 January 21, 2009
Small Parts November 2008 February 2009
Metal Jewelry December 2008 March 2009
Lead Content in Children’s Products at 300 PPM May 2009 August 2009
All other children’s product June 2009 September 2009